Vietnam Visa News

21. Vietnam Visa Exemption 2023 (latest updated)

The new policy of Vietnam e-Visa and Visa exemption will be imposed and take effect on August 15th, 2023. From date the new laws takes effect, which countries will be exempted from Vietnam Visa? What should you take note when travel to Vietnam on Visa exemption? Kindly see details in this post.

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22. Several tips for applying Vietnam e-Visa

Vietnam e-Visa is a convenient way to obtain a visa to Vietnam. The application process is simple and can be completed online. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure a smooth application process.

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23. Advantages of new 90-day Vietnam E-Visa

The new e-Visa will be valid for up to 90 days, multiple entries, the length of each stay is maximum 30 daysand will be available to nationals of 157 countries from August 15th, 2023. That will make it easier and more convenient for tourists to visit Vietnam for longer periods of time.

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24. Policies Of Vietnam Government For Visa On Arrival

Decree No. 92/2007/ND-CP on detailing the implementation of a number of Articles of the Law on Tourism has regulated about rights and obligations of international travel enterprises, in which, international travel agencies has the rights to request a competent state agency to approve the entry, exit or transit of tourist as said in the Article 13 of the Decree

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25. Contact Information Of Vietnam Immigration Department In Vietnam

In order to create more conveniences for foreigners and citizens of Vietnam to learn about new entry & exit regulation and ensure democratic regulations in the field of immigration, Ministry of Public Security Department have coordinate a number of agencies involved in published widely prescribed by law and specific procedures for exit and entry and arrange staffs directly answer for who have questions or don't understand the New Immigration Law 2015

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26. 10 Important Changes Of The New Immigration Law Of Vietnam From January 1st 2015

In recently, there're many questions of foreigners asking Vietnam Immigration.Org.Vn about the changes of New Immigration Law, how its changes effect and which department of Vietnam Government they can contact for solving their problems. In this article, Vietnam-Immigration.Org.Vn summarise the most interested information in recent:

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27. New Vietnam Immigration Law Effects On January 2015

A new Vietnam Immigration law effects on January 1, 2015. This is an evidence of Vietnam’s efforts to establish entry and exit policies that provide more clarity to employers and foreign nationals. The full impact of the new law will depend on how it is ultimately implemented. Following are the key changes in this new immigration law:

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28. Main Vietnam Visa Categories Changes From January 2015

Before 2015, Vietnam visa for foreign citizen had been symbolized as B2, B3, C1, C2, D, etc. for different purpose of their visiting. All old symbol of Vietnam visa categories were replaced by the others are more simple and clear based on the New Immigration Law issued on June 16th 2014 and implemented on January 1st 2015, there're 20 main types of Vietnam visa...

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29. Vietnam Immigration Dept Wish You A Happy New Year 2015 Filled With All That Is Beautiful.

It's been a wonderful year for Vietnam-Immigration.Org.Vn, but we couldn't have done it without you, our potential customer. As we enter into the Christmas season once again, keeping an eye toward all things frugal and classy, we would like to extend warm wishes to you and family a New Year 2015 filled with all that is beautiful, peaceful and happy.

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30. Changed Regulation of Vietnam Visa Exemption Makes Foreign Citizens More Convenient From January 1st 2015

The Vietnam Government updated some new changes of the Law No. 47/2014/QH13 on June 2014 about entry, exit, transit and residence of Foreign Citizen in Vietnam. These changes relate to the entry and exit of the Foreigners have Vietnam Visa Exemption. Follow the Article 20 of Law No. 47/2014/QH13

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